Wednesday, October 19, 2005
"I sought the Lord and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4
Recently I filled out one of those "getting to know me" questionnaires that circulates from time to time among email friends. Most of the questions are silly superficial information, but there was one question that really made me stop and think. It asked, "What one thing do you fear the most?" I've heard it said that most of the things one fears or worries about never happens. Even though that is probably true, it doesn't negate the fact that there are things that cause great fear to rise up in the heart. Oh how Satan likes to take advantage of the thing we fear the most, use that thing to paralyze us spiritually! Truly, sometimes I need to be delivered from my fears. It's another piece in the puzzle of "learning to trust." I praise God that when I am able to identify my fear, I can seek Him in prayer, He will hear me and deliver me.
The 5th chemotherapy treatment is done now and Malcom is feeling the typical fatigue. We continually praise God, though, because he keeps improving. His CEA level (tumor marker) is down to 75. The doctor is optimistic that perhaps in another month of so he may be able to add a drug that is part of a clinical trial. Please pray with us that God's hand will guide in this decision.
Recently I filled out one of those "getting to know me" questionnaires that circulates from time to time among email friends. Most of the questions are silly superficial information, but there was one question that really made me stop and think. It asked, "What one thing do you fear the most?" I've heard it said that most of the things one fears or worries about never happens. Even though that is probably true, it doesn't negate the fact that there are things that cause great fear to rise up in the heart. Oh how Satan likes to take advantage of the thing we fear the most, use that thing to paralyze us spiritually! Truly, sometimes I need to be delivered from my fears. It's another piece in the puzzle of "learning to trust." I praise God that when I am able to identify my fear, I can seek Him in prayer, He will hear me and deliver me.
The 5th chemotherapy treatment is done now and Malcom is feeling the typical fatigue. We continually praise God, though, because he keeps improving. His CEA level (tumor marker) is down to 75. The doctor is optimistic that perhaps in another month of so he may be able to add a drug that is part of a clinical trial. Please pray with us that God's hand will guide in this decision.
So good to hear the Malcom is doing better each time he has the chemo. Thank you for your faithfullness to this blog but most importantly to God. This blog has been a blessing and an encouragment to people all ove rhe world. Many times it has been just what i needed to here doing my personal struggles. Thank you for holding on to Gods grace in your lives and allowing yourselves to still be a vessel for God through your hard times. You will never know till heaven how many people this blog and your testimonies has reached and how many lives have been changed because of it. So for that i say THANK YOU....
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