Thursday, August 11, 2005
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day." 2 Corinthians 4:16 (NKJV)
This verse was sent to us last evening by text message from one of our spiritual "daughters." Malcom had me write it up on the white board there in the hospital room. It's been a hard day. More test results back with more distressing news. The cancer is in the bones. Tomorrow he will begin receiving chemotherapy in hopes of putting the brakes on this malignancy. Indeed, the outward man is perishing, but our hope continues to rest in the LORD. We need strength for this day. When you pray, pray for renewing day by day as we draw upon the grace and strength of God.
This verse was sent to us last evening by text message from one of our spiritual "daughters." Malcom had me write it up on the white board there in the hospital room. It's been a hard day. More test results back with more distressing news. The cancer is in the bones. Tomorrow he will begin receiving chemotherapy in hopes of putting the brakes on this malignancy. Indeed, the outward man is perishing, but our hope continues to rest in the LORD. We need strength for this day. When you pray, pray for renewing day by day as we draw upon the grace and strength of God.
We are thinking of you and Malcolm. What a difficult time. I lost my grandfather last week, he lived to a grand old 88, and we still were not ready to let him go. For some reason God never asks us our opinion about hard times. Please know you are in Eric's and my thoughts and prayers, we wish there were something tangible we could do and if there is let us know, your friends and family in the Northwest will be here for you.
Elise Davis
PRAYING, WE LOVE All OF YOU, Bev and Family
I was anxious to see what news there is today. I have thought about you both so much today. I will check on you tomorrow, Lord willing. Praying ever so often and loving you all the time.
Mary N
You are in my heart and prayers.
Sue M
We continue to pray with you, Carol & Malcom.
You know... when we consider the Refiner's fire and what a great heat it takes to purify gold when it is already pure to a high degree... we begin to see just how PURE the gold of your heart really is!
We love you all and pray for you all...
Cyn & Steve Johnson
You are in my heart and prayers each and every day.... Not only for healing and a miracle to take place but for strength as you endure the race and continue pressing on. I pray that the lord will renew your hearts, minds, and bodies each and every day.
Love you greatly.......
Jennifer Mullett
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