Thursday, September 15, 2005
"Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee..." Psalm 55:22
The word that caught my attention in this verse was sustain. This concept is quite different than what many Christians want to think. Oh, we want to cast our burden on the Lord to get rid of it! But the promise here is not removal of that terrible thing that is causing such anxiety or pain. No, it is the promise to sustain.
A musician can tell you about sustain. It's the idea of singing or playing a tone continuously, hanging on to it. And the sustaining must be done right--supporting with the diaphram in order to maintain good tone quality and be pleasing to the listener.
In this analogy we can think of our burden as the music to be sung. The Lord is the one supporting and sustaining so that even through the difficulty a beautiful sound is heard.
Music is being heard today! Malcom says "I feel better this week than I have since my surgery on July 12. I believe that this is a direct answer to your prayers on my behalf. Thank you for taking my burden to the Lord!" The burden has not disappeared, but the sustaining is being done, and the sound of praise to our Lord is pleasing to the ear.
The word that caught my attention in this verse was sustain. This concept is quite different than what many Christians want to think. Oh, we want to cast our burden on the Lord to get rid of it! But the promise here is not removal of that terrible thing that is causing such anxiety or pain. No, it is the promise to sustain.
A musician can tell you about sustain. It's the idea of singing or playing a tone continuously, hanging on to it. And the sustaining must be done right--supporting with the diaphram in order to maintain good tone quality and be pleasing to the listener.
In this analogy we can think of our burden as the music to be sung. The Lord is the one supporting and sustaining so that even through the difficulty a beautiful sound is heard.
Music is being heard today! Malcom says "I feel better this week than I have since my surgery on July 12. I believe that this is a direct answer to your prayers on my behalf. Thank you for taking my burden to the Lord!" The burden has not disappeared, but the sustaining is being done, and the sound of praise to our Lord is pleasing to the ear.
I love the analogy you have made. It blessed my heart today and encouraged me. We all must look to God for His sustaining power. It is an act of His grace.
Share with Malcom that our prayers are daily for you all. May each day bring you closer to complete healing.
Sue M
I can " name that tune " and I love the song - the analogy of His sustaining power. Thank you!!
Our love and continued prayer
Another verse that strongly applies is Ps: 50:15 "Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will rescue you and you will honor Me." Staying in tune with the LORD is an act of will that can only be achieved by His sustaining grace.
Please pray for me. . I am in the crucible & I hold fast to Him.
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