Thursday, June 22, 2006
"He will tend His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs in His arms; He will carry them in His bosom." Isaiah 40:11
This morning, June 22, 2006 at 11:00 a.m. the Great Shepherd came and gently gathered His lamb to His bosom. Malcom is now at home with the Lord and rejoicing in complete healing.
Details as to family visitation and funeral service will be posted later. Thank you for your continued prayers. We thank the Lord for His mercy.
This morning, June 22, 2006 at 11:00 a.m. the Great Shepherd came and gently gathered His lamb to His bosom. Malcom is now at home with the Lord and rejoicing in complete healing.
Details as to family visitation and funeral service will be posted later. Thank you for your continued prayers. We thank the Lord for His mercy.
Carol and children,
My heart cannot help but rejoice for my friend is seeing His savior face to face. But, I like you feel the separation. While my heart rejoices with my friend it also aches with you all. My church and my prayers and every thought will remain with you.
Rick & Sue Mullett
Carol and family,
We know that Malcom is rejoicing right now and what a wonderful reunion it is. At the same time, our hearts go out to you and your family as you hurt during this time of parting with Malcom. We shall all miss him.
Jerry and Carol Brinkman
Dear Carol and Family,
We want you to know how much we love and appreciate you. You and Malcom have been such a blessing to us, as you have walked through this illness. What an example for the rest of us, as we face difficult times in the future. We rejoice that Malcom is in Heaven.
We will continue to pray for you and your family.
Don and Vivian
I will miss Malcom, my life time friend. We are praying for your family. Jo and Bruce
Carol and all,
We are saddened, yet rejoicing as I know you must be. Our love and prayers continue for all of you.
Ann & Fred Geier
I have a picture of all your family that I just placed this morning where I could see it. I just learned a few minutes ago about his HOMEGOING. Though we waited for it, yet my heart aches and tears are streaming down my face. What we do not understand now, we will ONE DAY. We will say good morning up there.
Our love to you all,
Manuel and Mary
Carol and family,
It has been said "I went to be a blessing, however I left being blessed. It is evident God has walked with you through the suffering of your beloved husband. I also know He walked with Malcom through "the valley of the shadow of death."
Mrs. Couey and I have and will continue to pray for you and your family.
Charles and Rosa Couey
My heart is broken for you today. I want you to know I'm praying for you and your family.
Dear Carol and family,
"What you are is God's gift to you,What you will be is your gift to God." , I know that Pastor is a good gift to God.
You and your family have been in my prayers each day and while I am so sorry and saddened right now, I am also happy that Malcom is now completely well and whole. I want to tell you once more that while I haven't known you for very long, I have been so blessed and have actually drawn closer to God through reading your posts and seeing the way you have been able to give God the glory no matter what you have been through. I will continue to hold you in my prayers,
Libby S.
Aunt Carol and family,
My heart is torn between sadness and rejoicing for you guys. You are in my prayers and I love you all.
Brian Tester
I never had the honor of personally meeting Malcom although we "talked" several times via email and I counted him as a genuine friend. Had he not had the opportunity to go back to the field in May we had talked about getting together for a "formal" meeting during Fellowship Week. I am so glad he was able to make that last trip. I will surely miss seeing his posts.
I know that he is rejoicing now and to be truthful, am a little jealous. I know that just as God has had His hand on Malcom's life, He will continue to watch and care for you. Heaven just got a little sweeter. I will continue to pray for you in the days, weeks and months ahead.
Brad Courtney
You are never far from my thoughts and always in my prayers.
I am saddened for you and your family, but how I rejoice that Malcom is where we all long to be. He is where he spent his whole life telling others about. He is seeing the God whom he served and Jesus who gave his life for him. The angels rejoiced today as he walked through the gates of heaven. God must have surely been talking to them about Malcom and I'm sure they were waiting for him. I am able to smile through my grief knowing that Malcom is hearing "Well done my good and faithful servant".
Dear Carol and family,
Our hearts go out to you at this time. God has chosen to take Malcom at this time to be forever with Him. We praise the Lord for his life of faithfulness to our Lord.
The church here in Japan is praying with us for you.
Bob and Sandy
Carol and Family,
Just this morning Joshua asked about any news on Pastor Fiestel. We are saddened by this loss even though we know Pastor is free from pain and suffering. Our family and church family will be praying for your family during this time.
I type this message with a heavy heart of grief. I have no doubt that Malcom is in the presence of our blessed Saviour and at total peace, experiencing joy that we can only imagine. But I mourn his passing. One day we will see death and hell cast into the lake of fire. I will rejoice in that day, but I also rejoice tonight knowing that through Christ, Malcom is safe and God is watching over you and will comfort you as only God can do. I will continue to pray for you all. Words do a sad job of expressing my heart, but be assured we care deeply. All our love.
Sue and John Moore
Saguaro Hills Baptist Church
Dear Carol (and family),
George and I want you to know that our hearts and prayers have been yours and will continue to be yours as you grief such a great loss, yet once again. May the God of all comfort strengthen your spirit and give you grace to go on. May His care be particularly tender and gentle, and His love surround you like never before. Carol, you words that you have blogged during these months while Malcolm has been ill have touched my heart time and time again. I just pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to use this gift you have for His glory in coming days, and years.
With Love and Sympathy,
Marlys, for George, too
Carol and family,
One of the phrases I say to myself when things get rough is "God is good all the time.... and ALL the time, God is good". Hard to say at times, but it's true. So glad that Malcom hurts no longer, but we do hurt for you and do and will continue to pray for you.
Danny & Krista
Carol and family,
Although we have never met personally, the testimony established by you and Malcom certainly speaks volumes; especially in these last months as both of you prepared for his imminent homegoing.
We are saddened by your loss, but rejoice that Malcom's faith has now become his sight as he contemplates the Savior who gave His all for us.
May the God of all grace continue to sustain you with His grace through the coming days and months.
We are praying for you.
Marvin & Becky Robertson
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Dear Carol and family, As others have said, I am sad to hear that Malcom is gone, but happy that he is with the Lord now, and suffering no more. My heart goes out to all of you.
Dawn Burchett
Carol and family,
What a comfort to know that God has His plan. I know your hearts are broken, yet, I know you Carol, you are Praising God in this storm! We lift our prayers and tears to our Heavenly Father and ask Him to comfort, hold and protect you all. Your lives mean so much to us and we have such great memories of coffee and Rook! I know God is delighting in Malcom and his presence with Him! What a great sight it must have been as our Father welcomed home his child. We love you guys and will hopefully talk soon.
Lots of love and prayers,
Dan and Deb Pierce
You and Malcom were a blessing to us while we were in Taiwan. I remember how you allowed your daughters, Susan and Amy, to babysit our children several days so we could go to Korea. We enjoyed fellowship in the Taichung english church and shared dinner together.
Today, Malcom is hearing the words "Well done, good and faithful servant". He has run the race and completed it. He was a successful teacher, father, husband, missionary, and friend. Thank you for your obedience to the Lord in being missionaries to Taiwan.
Bruce and Kim Orr
Ft Worth, Texas
Dear Carol and family,
I am sorry to hear of your loss and yet this is what we all look forward to when we leave this life. Heaven is sweeter today because of receiving Bro. Malcolm. Praise the Lord for sustaining grace. May the God of all comfort take you in His arms today and do what no one else can do.
Sincerely in Christ,
Ray and Wanda Hoover
Missionaries to Ethiopia
I am sorry to hear this. Everyone will be in my prayers. This blog has been an encouragement to me!
David Cox
Trinity Baptist Church
Willow Springs, MO
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