Thursday, August 18, 2005
"Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2
I am in awe of something that the Lord is revealing to me, and that is the number of "burden bearers" He has brought alongside us in this trial. My heart swells with gratitude everytime I think of all the people who have found some way, whether big or small, to express their love and ease our burden. It is both humbling and encouraging, and it causes me to fall to my knees and thank God for not leaving us "alone" but showing us in a real tangible way that He is able to supply every need. If you are one of those burden bearers--and you know who you are!--I want to say thank you for fulfilling the law of Christ, that character trait of loving and giving unselfishly. What a testimony!
This day has been one of patiently waiting and hoping to see some evidence of improvement in Malcom's condition. He is very weak, but has tried to move around a bit more hoping to gain energy. The fluid accumulation in his abdomen is increasing, so tomorrow they will drain it again. He has a low-grade fever tonight. Please keep up the fervent prayers for his healing. Being home does not mean he is well, just that he is sick in a more comfortable place!
I am in awe of something that the Lord is revealing to me, and that is the number of "burden bearers" He has brought alongside us in this trial. My heart swells with gratitude everytime I think of all the people who have found some way, whether big or small, to express their love and ease our burden. It is both humbling and encouraging, and it causes me to fall to my knees and thank God for not leaving us "alone" but showing us in a real tangible way that He is able to supply every need. If you are one of those burden bearers--and you know who you are!--I want to say thank you for fulfilling the law of Christ, that character trait of loving and giving unselfishly. What a testimony!
This day has been one of patiently waiting and hoping to see some evidence of improvement in Malcom's condition. He is very weak, but has tried to move around a bit more hoping to gain energy. The fluid accumulation in his abdomen is increasing, so tomorrow they will drain it again. He has a low-grade fever tonight. Please keep up the fervent prayers for his healing. Being home does not mean he is well, just that he is sick in a more comfortable place!
Praying every day and thanking the Lord. I would like to bring some of my chicken soup over one of these days if that sounds good to Malcom. Love, Bev
Dearest Aunt Carol & Uncle Malcom, Richard, Isabella and I are praying to help you through this most difficult time and to let you know you are in our hearts. We would like to share this with the both of you . . . "The God you trusted in the past is the One who's faithful still. Trust Him now, with all your heart, to be working out His will. There's nothing that you're facing which takes Him by surprise - All the things concerning you has not escaped his eyes. His hand has been your covering through every circumstance, Everything will work for good; nothing is by chance. Let your faith abide in Him just like a mustard seed, And you will find His promise true to meet your every need. Wait on God to do his work in His perfect time and way,The answer may be slow just now, but He will not delay. One day you'll see the wisdom that lead you from the start Was given by your Father's love to draw you to his heart." This helped me when I needed Him the most, and I hope this can help you now, when you need Him the most. We love you Aunt Carol & Uncle Malcom. God Bless you both!
Love Angela, Richard & Isabella Sanchez
peter pan
come from da yuan primary school ,Taichung County,Taiwan
Mike said he woke up this morning thinking about Malcolm and of course prayed for him at that time. I was reading in Luke 12 about how much more God cares for us than even the birds. I know our God is concerned about every area of your lives at this moment. Praying your trust will only be found in Him and that you both will feel loved today.
Caroline and Mike
Carol and Malcom,
I did not get to check in until now but just want to let you know again that we love you both and continually pray for you. We went to the Candidate Dinner last night and it is always so encouraging to see many new missionaries....this time there are 33. Your names were also mentioned and you were prayed for. Your missionary family loves you!!
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