Sunday, October 22, 2006
“Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions…out of weakness was made strong…” Hebrews 11:33-34
I’ve heard it said over and over again. Maybe not the same words, but the general essence of what I call the “Strength Myth” comes through loud and clear. It ranks right up there with the myriad of internet hoaxes and urban legends circulating today. This myth says,
Just fill in the blank: …learn another language; ….be a missionary; …resist temptation; …endure suffering; and the list goes on and on! It seems whatever someone does not want to do or does not want to face can be easily written off with the excuse of weakness.
Do we imagine that God listens to this line of thinking and says, “You’re right, you are too weak. You’re off the hook. Ok, next!”? The scriptures abound with illustrations of men and women who could have excused themselves that way. Abraham and Sarah claimed old age. Moses claimed weakness of speech. Elijah claimed physical exhaustion. The Israelites had no giant to pit against Goliath. Gideon claimed a poor family heritage. Paul had a physical ailment. Esther had no right to speak to the king unbidden.
All these people found out the amazing truth about weakness: When I reach the end of my own resources, when I cannot do it, God takes over and miracles happen! God is not searching for “strong” people to live a godly life. He chooses to work through our weakness thereby magnifying His great power in us to accomplish what we could never do on our own.
What you see in my life…the ability to endure multiple tragedies, the courage to return to the mission field, the strength to encourage others, the tenacity to carry on…these are not “my” qualities. I can only claim weakness. It is the Lord’s ability, the Lord’s courage, His strength and His tenacity which I draw upon daily. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
I’ve heard it said over and over again. Maybe not the same words, but the general essence of what I call the “Strength Myth” comes through loud and clear. It ranks right up there with the myriad of internet hoaxes and urban legends circulating today. This myth says,
“You are strong, therefore you can ______.”
Just fill in the blank: …learn another language; ….be a missionary; …resist temptation; …endure suffering; and the list goes on and on! It seems whatever someone does not want to do or does not want to face can be easily written off with the excuse of weakness.
Do we imagine that God listens to this line of thinking and says, “You’re right, you are too weak. You’re off the hook. Ok, next!”? The scriptures abound with illustrations of men and women who could have excused themselves that way. Abraham and Sarah claimed old age. Moses claimed weakness of speech. Elijah claimed physical exhaustion. The Israelites had no giant to pit against Goliath. Gideon claimed a poor family heritage. Paul had a physical ailment. Esther had no right to speak to the king unbidden.
All these people found out the amazing truth about weakness: When I reach the end of my own resources, when I cannot do it, God takes over and miracles happen! God is not searching for “strong” people to live a godly life. He chooses to work through our weakness thereby magnifying His great power in us to accomplish what we could never do on our own.
What you see in my life…the ability to endure multiple tragedies, the courage to return to the mission field, the strength to encourage others, the tenacity to carry on…these are not “my” qualities. I can only claim weakness. It is the Lord’s ability, the Lord’s courage, His strength and His tenacity which I draw upon daily. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Carol - once again "you" have spoken to my heart... Keep writing the thoughts the Lord gives you, and keep blessing us.
Four months, huh? Nearly two weeks for our family - this time around. Do you think He keeps allowing these "losses" to make us long more for Heaven...??
Love you, friend.
As always,
Carol - one more thing - I am anxious to have all these thoughts you have written since a year or more ago, in book form...!
May God continue to bless you and your ministry - no matter where you are.
I think it is a GREAT idea to put all the thoughts in book form! I vote yes on all of that. God has given you great insight in your weakness and it has shown His stength in you. God bless you my friend. We pray for you and watch for udpates daily.
We love you.
Rick and Sue.
As usual, this is wodnerful and it touched my heart. I so appreciate the time you take to share with us what God puts on your heart.
Good stuff, my friend, good stuff!! I'm still casting my vote for the book too. Watch for an email from me tomorrow. I love you and you're in my thoughts and prayers often.
Your friend!
Carole Miller
Carol, your thoughts are such a blessing! God is certainly using you in a mighty way to encourage and inspire others during your trials. We are praying for you back here.
Leslie Belasco (at the mision office)
I just came upon your blog and read this post. How it spoke to me and gave me the right perspective on a situation that I am deaing with right now. Thank you. I know that God has His hand in our lives and we must look to Him for direction and not to the worldly way of doing.
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