Monday, May 21, 2007
"The Lord repay you for what you have done, and a full reward be given you by the Lord...under whose wings you have come to take refuge." Ruth 2:12
As a young child I enjoyed having pastors, missionaries, and evangelists autograph my Bible. They were my heroes. One particular signature was very meaningful to me: that of Evangelist Don Brown, who was preaching the revival during which I accepted Christ. He signed with a flourish and added "Ruth 2:12". From that moment on, it was a favorite verse of mine. And yet, as a 10-year old girl, I could not possibly understand the full meaning. Now in my middle adult years, I'm starting to comprehend the awesome power of those words.
In the book of Ruth, we read of Naomi who lost her husband and two sons. According to her view, God had dealt bitterly with her. Her daughter-in-law, Ruth, though mourning her own loss stayed by her side. Perhaps they were able to comfort one another in their grief. But such great, life-changing tragedy did not mean God had forgotten them. He was there all the time and His plan was to bless in a way they could never imagine. Boaz took notice of Ruth, and the rest of the story is that she became an important link in the ancestral line of David through which Christ was born.
I also have felt the bitter pain of loneliness and loss. With sometimes faltering faith, I have run under the refuge of the Lord's wings, praying for strength to make it through another day, another month. Those strong wings have comforted me and God has not forgotten the times I pushed myself to reach out to others in spite of my own weakness. Now, wounds not so fresh and a little more healed, God lifts me gently up and says "Child, I have a plan for you that you never could have imagined." When least expected, God stirred the heart and someone took notice. He didn't forget me. He won't forget you.
He is faithful, all in due time. You have such a testimony.
I am looking forward to what God is going to do in your life. He always rewards faithfulness - and you have been so faithful. The book of Ruth is one of my favorite and I just read it Sunday!.
My love and prayers......M
My dear sister,
I don't know your whole testimony, but it sounds like you have held the hand of the Lord walking through the valley.
I love the book of Ruth too, and feel a closeness to her in that I became a young widow and later re-married.
God has a unique plan for each of us, different, yes, but always right and good, even when it hurts.
Keep on trusting the Lord. He will never let you go.
Just in case you wanted to know-I posted about Ruth a few weeks back. My title was "One Industrious Gal" under the label "Faith".
Blessings to you today. I look forward to visiting again.
I'm glad you told me to read this blog after we talked today. How awesome to know that He's working mightily. Like I said...He is the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
Love you bunches my friend!
Carole :o)
So true Carol, the other day God alerted me to focus on the verse from Deuteronomy: "The Eternal God is your resting place and underneath are the Everlasting arms"
what better Lasting security than that? God is so good and its about Him, not about us..that always is comforting and a privelege especially when things get very difficult..
thanks for all you do, God Bless you tons.. Hugs,
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